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Warrantywise: Keep Calm & Carry On (Driving!) This Blue Monday.

  • New research from Warrantywise reveals that millions1 of motorists vent their frustrations on the road each year, potentially contributing to unnecessary and avoidable damage to their vehicles 
  • The survey, conducted in partnership with OnePoll, reveals that nearly 40 per cent of UK drivers have experienced road rage in the past year, shedding light on the challenges many motorists face on the road 
  • Aggressive driving, such as harsh braking and rapid acceleration, compromises safety and accelerates vehicle degradation, which could lead to avoidable repair costs 
  • With Blue Monday upon us, Warrantywise is encouraging drivers to stay calm during winter commutes to reduce stress and improve road safety 
  • Smoother, more mindful driving habits can help extend a vehicle’s lifespan, improve performance, and make journeys less stressful 
  • Warrantywise provides extended warranties for used cars, protecting drivers from unexpected repair bills and ensuring worry-free motoring all year round 
Angry female driver sat in car

As Blue Monday approaches – often considered “the gloomiest of days”² – new research from Warrantywise reveals the frustrations many UK motorists face on the road, with nearly 40 per cent admitting to experiencing road rage over the past year. This equates to potentially 20 million1 drivers venting their frustrations behind the wheel, a reflection of the heightened stress that can accompany daily commutes and challenging road conditions. Warrantywise, the UK’s leading provider of extended used car warranties, is highlighting how these pressures impact both driver wellbeing and vehicle health. 

The darker mornings and evenings of January, coupled with congestion on the roads and adverse weather conditions, can easily lead to frustration behind the wheel. Aggressive behaviours such as abrupt braking, rapid acceleration, and sharp manoeuvres not only compromise road safety but also place increased strain on key vehicle components. Over time, these habits can accelerate the degradation of critical systems like brakes, clutches, and suspension systems. 

Antony Diggins, Managing Director of Warrantywise, said: “Let’s face it, driving in January can be stressful. The weather’s miserable, the days are short, and the traffic just seems worse than ever. It’s no wonder tempers flare behind the wheel and is a perfect storm for stressful commutes and, unfortunately, increased aggression behind the wheel. But what many people don’t realise is how much our mood impacts not only our safety but also the health of our cars. Driving more calmly doesn’t just make the journey smoother, it also puts less load on your car’s systems, which can help its overall health. And while calmer driving can help prevent issues, it’s always a good idea to have protection in place for those days or periods when things don’t go as planned. We’re [Warrantywise] committed to supporting drivers – whether through helpful resources, education or extended warranties that provide peace of mind when the worst could potentially happen.”  

The research, conducted with OnePoll, shows that road rage is a common experience for UK drivers, with nearly 40 per cent admitting to experiencing it over a 12-month period. 

However, this Blue Monday, Warrantywise is encouraging drivers to take a step back from the pressures of the daily commute and adopt a more composed approach to driving. With extended warranties available for most used cars, and a commitment to transparent, customer-focused service, Warrantywise supports drivers through the challenges of motoring – not just in winter, but all year round. Whether it is a breakdown adding to your frustrations or an unexpected repair bill, an extended warranty is known to ease stress by offering peace of mind when things don’t go as planned. 


The data cited in this release was compiled from research conducted by OnePoll in 2024. The survey was based on responses from a representative sample of 2,000 UK: Car owners. 

Source of data: 

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